Proudly Made In Prince Edward Island, Canada
“Mom, my hands are wet and cold!”
That was the common complaint every year for our 5 kids as we hunted, sledded and played in the snow in winter here in Prince Edward Island, Canada.
We are a family who loves the outdoors, but struggled to find durable, warm-even-when-wet outdoor gear. Also, we have always tried to be as self-sufficient as possible and embrace the role we can play in the circle of nature.
Thus, Furgotten Times Outdoor Gear was created. Our small family business is bringing back PEI’s rich tradition of the fur trade industry by using the local wild-harvested furs, sheepskins and wool to create warm and beautiful gloves, hats, footwear and outdoor gear.
New tech can be sweet, but wool, leather and fur can’t be beat.
It is an amazing privilege to be part of obtaining materials from local sources as much as possible to create our products.
Coyote fur and moosehide from the hunters,
beaver and muskrat fur from the trappers,
sheepskins and rabbit fur from the farmer,
wool from the mill,
beeswax from the beekeepers,
plants from the earth
combine to create truly local, natural, and sustainable products.
Let us help you bring back into your life some warmth and beauty of times that have been long forgotten.